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About us

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Meet Our Team



Team Resurrection Inc., was founded in 2009 by Mary (Malika) McCall.


A product of the Foster Care system from the ages of 3-18, Malika found herself emotionally lost when she turned 18 and aged out of the agency. She was alone, without money, schooling, connections, and other basic needs. 


"I was so confused, angry and most of all hurt," says Malika


Over the years that followed, she experienced homelessness, periods of unemployment and even minor run ins with the law.  One day, while working at the airport as a package handler, a co-worker commented on her physical strength. He suggested that she apply herself towards getting a trade in the construction field.  Malika took his advice and a few years later, formed her own painting company named: Giving It A Woman's Touch Painting & Janitorial Service.  Acquiring steady contracts brought in a stable income.  But wanting to give back, today she uses her business as an apprenticeship for young people and adults looking to be trained in a similar field.


Team Resurrection Inc. began as Community Outreach Program geared toward helping  the ex-offender community and aging out youth, move out of the foster care system and into a healthy environment that supports their transition into adulthood.
Since Team Resurrection Inc. initial inception, programs and services have been added to better serve a wider population.


"I struggled so long and worked really hard to become  a productive citizen, but I remember many times how I wanted  to give up. I want Team Resurrection Inc. to be there as a lifeline for those experiencing those same feelings and hardships."

Malika McCall

Mary (Malika) McCall

Founder of TRI


Shynell McCall 

Outreach Specialist for TRI

Officer Shynell McCall is an outstanding member of the Irvington Police Department, for the past 11 years. As a native of Newark, New Jersey Shynell was inspired from a young age to join in the police force after witnessing two officers beating a suspect that they had just arrested, simply out of spite for having to run and catch him.  Shynell was just a child at the time but she vowed to become a police officer that would be different and able to reshape officers’ minds and bring true justice to the people they vowed to serve.  

Shynells biggest inspiration was her mother, who encouraged her to take the test straight out of high school, so that she can become a protector of the people and of the law rather than using the uniform to break the law as she witnessed when she was a child. That incident is forever etched in her mind and It keeps her focused on why healing the community is so important.

 In 2019 Shynell was promoted to Police Sergeant, this position has charged her with more authority and a greater desire to demonstrate compassion to all she comes in contact with, rather it be fellow officers or individuals on the street.


Sergeant McCall understands that with great power comes great responsibility, in which she takes very seriously and justly.

Shynell has been doing outreach since the tender age of 12, she often says “if not me than who?”


Shynell’s mission is to recruit and encourage young men of color to get involved in law enforcement and become the change they want to see. Officer McCall has been our beloved Community Outreach Specialist for 13 years. Through her dedication and outreach she has coordinated and facilitated many of our community partnerships and safety meetings, she has developed many neighborhood watch programs and regularly go in the field with us to feed and clothe the homeless. She always leaves a positive impact with all she meets, by encouraging and engaging positive interactions with law enforcement.  


Officer McCall has a strong and gentle spirit of caring and sharing for all. We are honored to have her to be a part of Team Resurrection Inc.'s executive team.


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MaJeedah R.  

Executive Assistant for TRI

MaJeedah R. is a seasoned Executive Assistant with over 13 years in the profession. She has extensive experience with all administrative task, including scheduling and correspondence. Having held positions on other non-profit organizations as well as being the owner of her Own Professional Makeup Artist Business.  Majeedah can tailor her skills to meet the needs to manage various positions. She has added leadership and Value to our Team.

 Majeedah is highly effective at assisting new team members get acclimated with their responsibilities. As a Senior assistant, she has developed many programs as well as planned several events for Team Resurrection Inc, Majeedah R.  attended Virginia State University and received her Bachelor of Arts in Communications Throughout her college years, she served as the head library assistant as well as tutored many of her peers in literacy. We are so honored to have Majeedah be a part of our team at Team Resurrection Inc.




Kenneth Wilson

Director of Re-Entry

Kenneth Wilson's story is one of resilience and hope. After serving 32 years in East Jersey State Prison, he returned home without the necessary resources to reintegrate into society. However, with the help of Team Resurrection Inc., Kenneth was able to get back on his feet and give back to his community. His expertise in conflict resolution has been invaluable to the organization, and he now serves as the Executive Director of Team Resurrection Inc. Reentry Services. Through his leadership, the organization has developed programs focused on victim support, job readiness, housing assistance, and professional attire. Kenneth's impact in the re-entry world is undeniable, and we are grateful to have him on our team.

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